Embarking on a new health challenge

I felt that I did well with my first Whole 30. Unfortunately, I've gained the weight back (and a little more) and I've let go of many of the good habits I had developed. Stress definitely got to me. But before the year is over, I want to take back control. Now that I've moved, my stress level should go down a little. It's time to get back to taking better care of myself. So I want to take on a new fitness challenge.

I've always wanted to take a hike! I mean... go on a hike. :) I was discussing this with Dr. T. He was also looking for a new fitness challenge. So I asked him if he'd be willing to go on a hiking trip with me next year at the end of summer/beginning of fall. I think he'd be a good hiking partner. He seems outdoorsy, he's handy, he knows nature and stuff (since he's a professional fishies rescuer), and he's good company.

I realize that a year is a long time in advance to make plans with someone. A lot can happen in a year. However, I figured that such a goal to work towards can only be a good thing for me, even if we don't end up going. So I'll take it seriously as though it's a sure thing. I can improve my health significantly in a year.

So we had until October 1st to come up with our fitness routines. We're not necessarily going to be doing the same thing, nor will we be working out together (although that may happen sometimes). However, we said that we'll hold each other accountable.

I've decided to do mostly bodyweight exercises and walks to get fit. Now that I'm living downtown, I have the city to explore. Interesting scenery. Plus if I really want to, all I need is within walking distance. Pharmacies, grocery stores, restaurants (which I should keep away from most of the time), movie theaters, live entertainment. 

I also need to eat better. Now that it's just Cat and I, we've decided to eat a mostly paleo inspired diet. I suppose it could count as a minimalist diet. Simple ingredients - minimally processed foods. I'm very happy she's on board. But even if she wasn't, I'm the mommy. I buy the food. I decide what I bring into our home.

How did my October challenge start? It just so happens that I went for a 6 km walk with Dr. T on day 1. Since then, I went walking every day an average of 3 km. Cat and I struggled a little with the food, but it's been mostly good stuff. I've decided to wait a little for the bodyweight exercises. I'm beat! The past month was tiring. So I'm giving myself a bit of a breather before starting a more regimented workout routine. I figure the walking will be enough for now, especially since I plan on walking every day. And I'm still moving my body - I have a little more unpacking to do.

I have to admit that I've been struggling with my mood lately. I've been wavering from being happy with my living conditions, to regretting them. I also think that now that it's back to just Cat and I, my unfinished grieving will start up again. Everything that I held back while my mom was living with us to spare her is starting to resurface. So I'll definitely have to deal with those emotions. I found that when I was feeling similar to this at the beginning of the year, doing a Whole 30 challenge helped me. It was a simple thing to focus on that I could control. So I think that taking on this new health challenge will be as beneficial to me right now.

I also think that when I'm ready to incorporate the bodyweight exercises, I might have similar emotional experiences as I had when I was going to that gym. So that should help with my mood, too.

Life - gotta keep on keeping on!


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