The End

Folks, it feels like I’ve reached the end of my journey to simplicity – the blog… not the actual journey. I’m pretty sure I’ll always strive for simplicity. I just don’t feel the same passion for writing about it as I did in the beginning. Therefore, I’m giving myself permission to move on.

What’s next?

Well, lately I’ve been concentrating on a new project: writing fiction. It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I was a child, and I’ve been talking about doing it for years. So I’ve finally decided to take it seriously.

With the help of Mr. Romantic, I’ve created a new website where I write about writing, and share my fiction works with you. You can sign up for updates (I’ll try my hand at fancy schmancy email lists and stuff).

I sincerely hope you do sign up! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside knowing you, an actual living breathing person, are reading my words. For reals!

I’m not quite sure how long I’ll keep going. But don’t worry, all won’t be lost. I’ll probably gather up what I’ve written here and edit, polish, and refine it, and turn it into a non-fiction book that I’ll make available on

Thank you for following along on my journey to simplicity, and I hope you’ll continue following me on this writing journey.


Dominique Joly


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